How To Vote


Vote for a validator.

Before you begin

  • Install the currently supported version of cleos.

  • Ensure the reference system contracts from cyberway.contracts repository is deployed and used to manage system resources.

  • Understand the following:

  • Unlock your wallet.


Option_1: Vote yourself. alice votes for thebob validator and allocates 50 CYBER tokens for it:

$ cleos system voteproducer prods alice bob "50.0000 CYBER"

Option_2: Vote via a proxy account. If you are unable to vote, you can entrust your vote to a proxy account that will vote for you. To do this, you need to delegate the staked tokens to a proxy account.

alice delegates 50 CYBER tokens to bob that is a proxy account:

$ cleos system voteproducer prods alice bob "50.0000 CYBER"

Last updated